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The Buster Density Meter Helps Law Enforcement Find Contraband

Tag: density meter

Tackling drugs and smuggling is still considered an uphill battle, so to speak. But modern technology, thankfully, has brought some of the most sophisticated tools like the Buster Density Meter that law enforcers need in their everyday operations of inspecting and seizing Read more…

Hardworking and dedicated law enforcement officers face the difficulties and possible perils of tracking down illegal drugs and smuggling. They deserve nothing but the best possible tools for contraband detection which can help make their job better and make inspections more convenient, Read more…

There are a lot of density meters on the market, but how many of them are considered durable, reliable, accurate, user-friendly and, most of all, safe? The Buster K910B Density Meter is the flagship product of Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO). Many Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) is one of the most trusted names when it comes to contraband detection equipment. The two most prominent of these are the Buster K910G Density Meter and the Perfect Vision V20 Videoscope Inspection System. Why do Read more…

Density meters and other contraband detection tools help law enforcement officers locate hidden contraband. Competent members of the police force and law enforcement agencies are highly trained. But even trained officers were not able to detect hidden contraband without potentially dismantling Read more…

Law enforcement agencies, like everyone else, have to step up into the ever-changing pace of technology. And because the smugglers are getting more clever in transporting illegal drugs and other contraband, law enforcers must also have contraband detection tools as a means Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Contraband Detection (CSECO) is the top manufacturer of contraband detection tools. Among the top contraband detection tools made and marketed by the company are the Buster K910B Density Meter— now Buster K910G — and the Perfect Vision V20 Videoscope Inspection Read more…

The Buster K910B Density Meter has long been the single most distinctive invention created by Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO). The Buster K910B has been now upgraded to Buster K910G, with newer features that make inspections safer and more secure. Despite the Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) has long been the world leader in contraband detectors and contraband detection equipment. Since the release of the original K910B Density Meter, aka Buster, it has been the most used and trusted (as well as copied) density Read more…

Since the Buster K910B Density Meter of Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) was launched and became popular among law enforcement agents across the United States, competitors have since come up with their own version of it. The Buster K910B was recently updated Read more…

Tony Harris, President and CEO, and Pat Campbell, founder, of CSECO explain about the Buster density meter and other contraband detectors.

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