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Drug Interdiction Equipment Is Vitally Important

Tag: drug interdiction equipment

The term ‘drug interdiction’ refers to the act of preventing illegal drugs from reaching their destination. This is important in stemming the flow and spread of narcotics and countering the operations of organized criminal groups, especially those involved in the Read more…

Drug interdiction is a high-risk activity, mainly due to the great variety of risks that law enforcement encounters. Being in this kind of job, they regularly face threats to their safety for several reasons. They can be threats coming from subjects Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) is known for the Buster density meter as a drug interdiction equipment. It was developed by the company founder Patrick J. Campbell with significant input from a team of U. S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Read more…

The chief duties of police officers are to uphold law and order and to protect people and property in their jurisdiction. From the looks of it, the job of police officers is obviously not an easy one. There is always Read more…

You may have heard of the CT-30 Contraband Team Detection Kit‘s upgrade to the CT-40 because of the inclusion of the new and improved tools: 1) Buster K910G density meter – In terms of functionality, the Buster K910G density meter works the Read more…

The war on drugs may not make the big headlines today as it did decades ago, but it doesn’t mean that the number of drug-related incidents has decreased. It is still an immense challenge for the US law enforcement, particularly Read more…

Manufacturers waste no time in taking advantage of the latest trends in technology to come up with (what they believe to be) the most cutting-edge contraband detection equipment. Do you think you have the right tools? Do you think that they Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) is considered by many law enforcement agencies as the trailblazer when it comes to contraband detection tools. CSECO also launched the all-in-one kit, the CT-30 Contraband Team Detection Kit which includes the Buster K910B density meter which Read more…

Drug addiction and drug trafficking remain some of the biggest problems of law enforcement agencies to contain and stop. This calls for narcotics interdiction equipment that not only promise positive results during inspections but are also built to withstand regular use and Read more…

Unlike two or three decades ago, contraband detectors have become more accessible, and manufacturers are constantly figuring out ways to make them better than their competitors’ – specifically, more effective and easier to use. Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) should be the Read more…

Tony Harris, President and CEO, and Pat Campbell, founder, of CSECO explain about the Buster density meter and other contraband detectors.

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