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Density Meter: Depending Upon the Audible and Visual Alerts

Tag: best density meter

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) is the brains behind the world’s first density meter, the Buster K910B or simply “Buster.” It was CSECO’s first product at the time the company was established in 1984. CSECO founder Patrick J. Campbell had 35 Read more…

Density meters and contraband detectors have become more enhanced and sophisticated. They are able to detect hidden contraband more effectively than ever. Since Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) introduced the Buster K910B Density Meter, accurately locating contraband has remarkably improved. CSECO’s Read more…

The Buster K910B Density Meter from Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) has been used and recommended by law enforcement agencies not only across the country but across the world, as well. The Buster K910B Density Meter is the first device from CSECO. Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) has been manufacturing the world’s first density meter and contraband detector, the Buster K910B Density Meter, for over 30 years. This density meter, also known as the Buster, can help interdiction officers and other law enforcement agencies Read more…

The Buster K910B Density Meter from Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) is one of the best contraband detection tools around. It has been used by law enforcement and interdiction officers, anti-drug unit officers, and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents Read more…

Even while being incarcerated, prisoners are still able to conduct illegal drug trade, but only in a clandestine manner. This puts another burden on the police and the warden who are in charge of the prisons and the convicts. Most Read more…

Law enforcement and U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents often have taxing and sometimes risky jobs. They deserve only the best equipment to help them detect contraband. The CSECO Buster KB910B Density Meter is considered the best density meter by many of Read more…

As the demand grows among law enforcement agencies for the most capable and effective narcotics detection tools, many companies have begun to manufacture and market them. Of course, they would always claim that their narcotic detection equipment is the best that clients Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company is the home of the Buster K910B Density Meter aka Buster, its signature product since 1984. It is considered by many law enforcement agencies across the United States to be the “gold standard” of contraband detection tools. So Read more…

No two density meters on the market are made the same, so you will encounter differences related to weight, size, and functionality. Border patrol officers and law enforcement agents nowadays face more challenges in their already tough job of tracking down illegal Read more…

Tony Harris, President and CEO, and Pat Campbell, founder, of CSECO explain about the Buster density meter and other contraband detectors.

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