Contraband detection is inspecting items or areas that are suspect of carrying contraband or other illicit goods. Vehicles, containers, furniture, sacks of goods, and parts of a structure such as walls, are the usual places where smugglers hide drugs and other contraband.
Contraband detection is not an easy job, especially if you use wrong, inefficient, or inferior detection equipment. Fortunately, Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) is renowned for its quality contraband detection tools, most notably the Buster density meter.
The Buster density is CSECO’s first contraband detection equipment and its greatest pride. Back in 1984, the company founder Patrick J. Campbell was approached by the federal government. They asked him to develop and design a tool that would enable them to quickly and accurately detect hidden contraband (especially in vehicles). Campbell agreed, but he also requested that he wanted to work with the would-be end users. Those end users turned out to be officer from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Pat Campbell developed the Buster Density Meter, which was then tested in the field by CBP officer.
So far, CSECO has released two iterations of the Buster: the original Buster K910B and the current Buster K910G. Both of them have the same fundamental features and technologies: the low-intensity gamma radiation and scintillation detector that allows for quick but accurate scans on objects suspected of carrying smuggled and illicit items. These items include narcotics, illegal drugs and other substances, cash, weapons, and explosives. The Buster can even detect unusual objects – even animals and humans! Both the K910B and the K910G have the RAD-Aware function, which detects radioactive material. It allows the user to establish safety boundaries in the event of a dirty-bomb detonation or another radioactive release.
However, CSECO now uses the latest Buster K910G because of its enhanced safety features: a 7.5 microcurie Barium 133 source, which is 25% less than that of the rival density meters and lead-free components. These improvements make the Buster the safest density meter in the market! The Buster K910G is available in both CT-30 and CT-40 contraband detection kits.
One of the best things about the Buster is that it does non-invasive inspections for hidden contraband. There’s no need to take down, remove, or dismantle parts of a vehicle to confirm the presence of contraband. There’s also no need to tear down a wall, rip apart a couch, or force-open boxes of goods. Simply use the Buster to scan against the surface of objects that are suspected of carrying illicit items. The Buster uses audible and visual readouts to alert the user to the presence of contraband.
Users of the Buster K910G density meter are usually highly trained law enforcement officers and border patrol agents. However, the Buster is an extremely simple and straightforward tool to use. First-time buyers of the Buster may be surprised at how user-friendly it is, despite its sophisticated technology.
However, purchasers of the Buster may also want to undergo training to acquire a better knowledge of the device and its use. CBP agents and police officers who have bought the Buster will undergo only a day of training with the device to be fully ready to use it. CSECO offers one-on-one or group. Training on the use of the Buster is provided at CSECO’s facility for all purchasers of the device at no charge. For purchasers of the Buster who want the training to be held at their own office or facility, CSECO charges for the training.
Successful trainees will receive a certificate upon the completion of the training, which indicates that they have become well-versed on the proper use and maintenance of the Buster. The certification also allows the successful participants to train other buyers of the Buster (or other contraband detection tools from CSECO) at their own location.