Inspections for contraband are never easy, plus there’s the risk associated with them. It was harder way back then where drug interdiction officers used to search around vehicles for hidden narcotics and other contraband. Inspections were most likely a hit-or-miss business: officers had to use their own sense of touch or gut feel as guides to help them detect the possible location of hidden contraband. Often, they also used rudimentary inspection tools that might not bring them the most accurate results. Highly trained canine (K-9) units have proven to be effective in sniffing and detecting items that are suspected to be narcotics, other contraband items, and even explosives. But what if those K-9 units aren’t available? Thankfully the Buster K910G Density Meter is available today.
One of the biggest troubles of inspecting a vehicle for hidden contraband is the probability of removing its parts, while there is no certainty in detecting the contraband’s exact location. Not only that, officers are likely to get in trouble for damaging another person’s property. Isn’t that such a big hassle?
Fortunately, the Buster density meter that will solve these issues. It was developed and designed by Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) with significant input from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents. The Buster density meter uses the most advanced technology – the low-intensity gamma radiation emitter and scintillation detector – that allows for quick, accurate, thorough, safe and non-invasive inspections for hidden contraband.
Every day, the CBP agents and other law enforcement officers inspect thousands of vehicles that pass-through checkpoints and national borders. The Buster’s cutting-edge technology allows them to inspect an entire vehicle within only five minutes. The officers do not need to dismantle or take down parts of the vehicle, which would have been otherwise time-consuming and cause further trouble.
Only when the Buster detects the unusual level of an object’s density (e.g., a hollow object such as a spare tire that is filled with something inside it), the officers will be able to confirm that contraband has been stuffed inside that object, and would tear it down to reveal the contraband. The Buster’s low-intensity gamma rays can penetrate the object as deep as six inches to search and locate for any indication of an item stuffed inside it.
Since the Buster was introduced, it has been hailed as the “gold standard” of contraband detection, having seized billions of dollars’ worth of contraband and led to arrests of the perpetrators. Narcotics (such as cocaine and heroin), marijuana, other illegal substances, and cash are among the most confiscated items, usually seized from vehicles.
The Buster density meter allows law enforcement officers to inspect vehicles in a quick, non-intrusive and non-invasive way and still comes up with accurate and satisfying results. Other detecting tools using microwave, millimeter, radio waves and ultraviolet wave technology do not even come half to Buster’s effectiveness.
With the combination of some of the world’s best technology, the Buster density meter will be more than just your able partner in taking the drugs off the streets, controlling smuggling, and keeping the national borders safe and secure.