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CSECO Attends 32nd Annual International Drug Enforcement Conference in Cartagena, Columbia

Tag: CT-40 Contraband Team

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) was among the delegates from 127 different countries who recently attended the 32nd Annual International Drug Enforcement Conference. This year’s event was held in Cartagena, Columbia. The conference brings together leading authorities from around the world Read more…

Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) has been manufacturing high-quality and dependable contraband and narcotics detection equipment for over three decades. CSECO uses high technology when designing and manufacturing contraband detection equipment that is sophisticated, ergonomic, accurate, and safe to use. The most Read more…

Tony Harris, President and CEO, and Pat Campbell, founder, of CSECO explain about the Buster density meter and other contraband detectors.

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