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CT-30 Contraband Team Kit

CT-30 Contraband Team Kit

CT-30 Contraband Team Kit

 CT - 30 Fiberscope Inspection Kit


Upgrade NOW to the new CT-40 Kit/ Perfect Vision V20 Videoscope, the FIRST scope UL certified safe for use in hazardous environments

"My CT 30 Detection Kit paid for itself the first time out of the case!" Sergeant Albert Martinez, Texas Highway Patrol.

For more information about the CT-30 Team Inspection Kit, click here

* K910G Series Density Meter and Contraband Detector

The Model K910G Density Meter and Contraband Detector uses a low intensity gamma radiation emitter and back scatter scintillation detector to identify the difference in density between contraband (drugs, explosives, weapons, currency, etc.) and the object in which the contraband is hidden.

The Buster density meter and contraband detector emits gamma rays of energy into the object being inspected. A filled space reflects back more gamma rays than an empty space. As Buster is moved across the surface of the object, the measurement is displayed on a digital readout, and an alarm sounds if the density changes.


Easy to Use :

Using the Buster for contraband detection is simple. Hold Buster on the surface of an object to be inspected then squeeze the trigger and turn Buster on. This opens a shutter in the shield to direct the energy beam through the article being inspected. As Buster is swept across the surface of the object and a change of density is detected, in the readings as the density changes. At the same time, the LCD display updates every half second to show higher numbers as the density increases or lower numbers as the density decreases thereby revealing if items are concealed.


Look Beneath the Surface:

Unlike millimeter wave, microwave, UV or radio wave technologies, the Buster density meter and contraband detector uses directed energy beam which can "see" through wood, metal, textiles, plastic, etc. Since every material has a specific density, unexpected changes become obvious. The gamma rays cause no damage to the objects being inspected.


* FV-Series Articulated Fiberscope

Use the FV-Series Articulated Fiberscope in conjunction with the Buster contraband detector. It is a ¼ inch diameter (6mm) by 80 inch length (2m) flexible, fuel-resistant fiberscope with two-way articulated tip with integral light source permits detailed examination of fuel tanks, car doors and dashboards, textiles, masonry and hidden spaces of all kinds.

* PN - Series Inspection Probe Kit

Included are several stainless steel probes with grooves designed to trap contraband when inserted into upholstery, sacks, flower beds, etc. The kit contains everything an interdiction officer needs, including:

  • 3/16 x 15" SLIMLINE Stainless Steel Probe
  • 3/8 x 15" Heavy-Duty Stainless Steel Extension with sample retrieving tip
  • 3/8 x 15" Threaded Stainless Steel Extension with integral handle
  • 3/8 x 15" Threaded Stainless Steel Extension Section
  • P - 30N Pocket Pencil Probe ® with 4" needle and sampling tip
  • Military Nylon Carrying Sheath

* LRF Laser Range Finder

Laser measuring device used to find false walls, bulkheads, and hidden compartments in truck beds, freight containers, railroad cars and other spaces with known dimensions.

* PM - 10 Extension Inspection Mirror with LED Flashlight

Permits viewing into dark and difficult to access places such as beneath vehicles and behind containers.

* CT - 30 Customer Carrying Case with Wheels

The shock resistant case is specifically designed to conveniently transport all of the above tools and instruments. The case size is 24"x19"x11" and weighs 45 pounds with all instruments.

Learn more about the CT-30 (FV) 10-2.0 Contraband Team Inspection Kit. If you prefer English, go here. If you prefer Portuguese, go here.

CT-30 Contraband Team Kit

The Buster Contraband Detector is equipped with the USNRC exempt license

  • This means:
  • No need to notify the state or health department when in possession of the Buster
  • No documentation required by us, user, or state when transferring or disposing of Buster
  • User can dispose of the Buster anywhere after removing radiation label


Comparison of Buster K910G to other contraband detectors


Buster K910G Competitor X
Depth of reading 6 inches (15 .2 cm) 6 inches (15.2 cm)
Source type Barium 133 Barium 133
Source output 7.5 microcuries (.28MBq) 10 microcuries (.37MBq)
Radiation detection feature Rad-Aware® "survey"
Scan rate 0.02 seconds/reading 0.02 seconds/reading
Audible alert yes yes
Multiple scanning modes 3 - Raw, Scan, Zero Scan 3 - Inspect, Calibration, Test
Calibration Required Required
Calibration time ~15 seconds 30 seconds
Calibration block Required & Included Required & Included
Digital numerical display Yes Yes
Pushbutton backlight display Yes Yes
Low battery indicator Yes Yes
Battery 1 x 9V alkaline 2 x AA alkaline
Battery life 6 -12 months 6 months
Dimensions 5.5 x 2.5 x 2.5" (140 x 64 x 64 mm) 6.0 x 3.0 x 1.75" (152.4 x 76.2 x 44.45 mm)
Weight 2.4 lbs (1.1 kg) 1.6 lbs (0.7kg)
Market Experience/ Utilization Market leader 40+ years N/A
Customers 100+ countries including US Govt &



 Buster K910G v Comp X (PDF)

Note: Information obtained from internet. Information freely available on manufacturers web site.

Tony Harris, President and CEO, and Pat Campbell, founder, of CSECO explain about the Buster density meter and other contraband detectors.

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