There are different types of density meters according to their purpose and usage. In law enforcement, the best density meter is a device that measures the density of an object that is suspected of hiding contraband. That object can be almost anything – tires, furniture, bulkheads, cargo, spaces between walls, any types of vehicles and their empty spaces, and a lot more.
Whereas before, inspecting an object for hidden contraband was a time-consuming process, which includes dismantling the inspected object, which leads to irreparable damage – a lamentable outcome especially if you cannot find the contraband inside it.
But thanks to the combination of technology and human innovation, it has led to the invention of devices that prove helpful and even essential in the daily professional lives of the people working in law enforcement.
One of the most distinguished gadgets specially made for law enforcement is the Buster density meter. Aside from the distinction of being the first equipment to be used specifically to detect hidden contraband, it was also developed with the help of one of the major law enforcement agencies in the country.
The Buster density meter was invented by the founder of the Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO) founder Patrick J. Campbell. He had prior experience in designing and manufacturing equipment and tools using radioactive elements. He later applied his vast knowledge and extensive experience in designing the Buster, after he was asked by the government to design and develop a piece of equipment that would be able to detect hidden contraband. Campbell collaborated with the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents to ensure that the prototype would work as it was meant to work and that it would be the best density meter available.
Since its first public launch over 30 years ago, the Buster density meter has proven that it has the unsurpassed ability to detect contraband that’s hidden from a variety of objects and spaces. Many local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, as well as the CBP agents, prefer to use the Buster density meter in their operations. It has been called the “gold standard” of contraband detection.
The success of the Buster lies on its reliable technology: the low-intensity gamma radiation emitter and scintillation detector, which helps the Buster to quickly scan vehicles, objects or spaces for hidden contraband. It allows the inspector to determine whether the suspect vehicle has hidden contraband within five minutes or a room of average size within 10 minutes. Even within a few minutes of inspection, the Buster can accurately detect the possibility of an object carrying contraband inside by measuring the level of its density. For instance, if the Buster detects an unusual density from a hollow object (such as a spare tire), it is most likely to carry contraband.
Other detecting devices using millimeter wave, radio wave, ultraviolet wave or microwave technology has limited detecting capabilities. The Buster density meter can scan and detect hidden items through metal, wood and reinforced dirt without needing to dismantle them – unless they prove there is indeed something that’s concealed in them.
CSECO has updated the Buster with significant features:
- RAD-Aware – a proprietary feature on the Buster which detects the presence of radioactive material (such as radioactive leaks).
- Improved safety for the user and the environment – the newest Buster K910G has no lead-based component and its radioactive source is now 25% smaller than that of its competitors, making the Buster the safest density meter on the market!
Buster’s unparalleled capabilities in detecting and locating hidden contraband have led to the seizure of over a billion dollars’ worth of narcotics, illegal substances and money. The most recent additional features make the Buster the best density meter that is also more versatile, more efficient, and safer than ever in detecting hidden contraband.