$44,000 Currency Seizure I-15 S/B near Craig Rd on 10-22-08.
1993 Infinity bearing Arizona registration was stopped for a traffic violation on 10-22-08 at about 2122 hours. Husband, wife and small child in vehicle which did not belong to them. They went to Salt Lake City and was headed back to the Phoenix area when stopped.
A consent to search was requested and granted to search the vehicle. A K-9 was deployed with negative results. A hand search using inspection probes led to the discovery of several bundles of U.S. currency concealed within the vehicle's right side rocker panel area. The vehicle was taken to the NHP garage, where the right front tire well shroud was removed. This revealed an access door that had been cut out and double stick tape was used to keep it in place. Once the access door was taken off, the U.S. currency was removed. The K-9 was re-deployed and alerted to the currency. The driver and passenger disclaimed any knowledge or ownership of the currency and it was seized.