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Buster Density Meters

Buster Density Meters

The Buster K910G Density Meter is 25% smaller and has no lead componentsBuster K910B Density Meter with “Rad-Aware” Technology

Buster Density Meter and Contraband Detector Kit

The K910G will functionally be the same as our previous Buster with new safety features included. The radioactive source output is now at 25% less radiation than any other density meter and all lead components have been removed, making the K910G by far the safest and most environmentally friendly model on the market. The Buster K910G will also now come with a two year free warranty!

"The Buster is dependable, easy to use, and damn-near indestructible." Sergeant Tony Viator, Narcotics Task Force

The Buster K910G Density Meter uses a low intensity gamma radiation emitter and scintillation detector to quickly scan vehicles or residences for hidden contraband. The Buster density meter and contraband detector is designed to allow an inspector to determine whether a suspect vehicle tests positive for contraband in less than 5 minutes and allows them to scan the average room in less than 10 minutes.

Unlike millimeter wave, radio wave, ultra-violet or microwave technologies the Buster density meter and contraband detector can identify concealed items through material, wood, metal, or reinforced plastics without causing damage to the items being inspected. The Buster was developed with direct input from actual US Customs and Border Protection officials and is known for its durability, reliability and dependability. Currently, the contraband detection equipment is used by the US State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, federal, state and local law enforcement along with the US Customs and Border Protection as well as international law enforcement officials.

The Buster density meter and contraband detector has the ability to use both visual and audible readouts to alert users to the presence of contraband. The Buster can quickly zero in on the specific location of concealed drugs, weapons, cash or collectibles so they can be seized and kept off the streets.

Buster contraband detector close up view Buster K910B Density Meter with "Rad-Aware" Technology in carrying case Buster K910 Density Meter used on truck The Buster K910G Density Meter in use

The Buster Contraband Detector is equipped with the USNRC exempt license

  • This means:
  • No need to notify the state or health department when in possession of the Buster
  • No documentation required by us, user, or state when transferring or disposing of Buster
  • User can dispose of the Buster anywhere after removing radiation label


Comparison of Buster K910G to other contraband detectors


Buster K910G Competitor X
Depth of reading 6 inches (15 .2 cm) 6 inches (15.2 cm)
Source type Barium 133 Barium 133
Source output 7.5 microcuries (.28MBq) 10 microcuries (.37MBq)
Radiation detection feature Rad-Aware® "survey"
Scan rate 0.02 seconds/reading 0.02 seconds/reading
Audible alert yes yes
Multiple scanning modes 3 - Raw, Scan, Zero Scan 3 - Inspect, Calibration, Test
Calibration Required Required
Calibration time ~15 seconds 30 seconds
Calibration block Required & Included Required & Included
Digital numerical display Yes Yes
Pushbutton backlight display Yes Yes
Low battery indicator Yes Yes
Battery 1 x 9V alkaline 2 x AA alkaline
Battery life 6 -12 months 6 months
Dimensions 5.5 x 2.5 x 2.5" (140 x 64 x 64 mm) 6.0 x 3.0 x 1.75" (152.4 x 76.2 x 44.45 mm)
Weight 2.2 lbs (~1 kg) 1.6 lbs (0.7kg)
Market Experience/ Utilization Market leader 40+ years N/A
Customers 100+ countries including US Govt &




 Buster K910G v Comp X (PDF)

Note: Information obtained from internet. Information freely available on manufacturers web site.


Buster K910G Density Meter with RAD-AWARE

The Buster K910G Density Meter is now equipped with Rad-Aware® radiation detection technology that allows first responders to establish safe perimeters in the event of a dirty-bomb detonation or other radioactive release.

State and local law enforcement agencies may obtain assistance to acquire the Buster and the complete CT–40 or CT-30 Contraband Team Inspection Kits through grants provided by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). To learn more about the availability of grants to purchase the Buster Density Meter or other contraband detection equipment, visit our Grants page.

Learn more about the Buster K910G Density Meter and Contraband Detector Kit by going here.

Buster K910G Density Meter with Rad-Aware Technology

Buster-on-a-Stick Extension Pole

There are times when law enforcement officers need to scan hard-to-reach areas such as the underside of a vehicle. Another difficult to reach area would be the upper portion on a transport trailer that is filled to capacity. It would take hours to unload a truck to inspect each box or crate. Law enforcement officers are able to scan these areas by attaching the Buster density meter and contraband detector to the telescoping ‘stick.’ The "Buster-on-a-Stick" allows you to reach areas previously inaccessible.

Buster-on-a-Stick with remote displayBuster used on a Car Door

The Buster Density Meter is demonstrated in this Highway Interdiction Training Specialists (HITS) video

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