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What Kind of Contraband Does a Density Meter Detect?

What Kind of Contraband Does a Density Meter Detect?

What is a density meter and what does it do? A density meter is a tool that is used to measure the density of an object. In law enforcement, a density meter is a contraband detection tool used by agents to help them determine if there is a contraband hidden inside an object, such as a vehicle (as well as its parts). The alerts sent by the density meter will indicate a change of density. If there’s a remarkable change in the readings, it means that the contraband is most likely hidden inside the suspected object, and the alerted agents will go and seize the contraband.

Take the Buster K910G Density Meter, made by Campbell/Harris Security Equipment Company (CSECO). It is the updated version of the successful Buster K910B, which has been hailed as the “gold standard” of density meters and contraband detection equipment. Many density meters from rivals have since come to compete with the Buster. However, they don’t work exactly in the way that the Buster does, nor are they as effective as it is in locating hidden contraband.

So how does the Buster exactly work? It emits a low-intensity gamma radiation and scintillation detector, which helps the agents to detect discrepancies in density.

Use the Buster to scan a suspected item, such as a car tire, which is naturally hollow. Throughout the scanning and inspection, the readings should remain normal. But what if the tire is filled with an item? A larger amount of the gamma rays that the Buster emits will reflect off of the tire and will bounce back at the device. As a result, the Buster displays a higher reading on the LCD screen to the user, or sends out an audible alarm, to alert the user that there is a possible contraband hidden inside the car tire.

So what exactly are the kinds of contraband does the Buster density meter detect? Because of Buster’s sophisticated technology and even better-enhanced features, it can detect a wide variety of hidden contraband — drugs (illegal or prescribed), narcotics, currency, jewelry, cigarettes and tobacco, alcohol, weapons, and explosives. Actually, the Buster can find different types of hidden items which are considered as hidden contraband. This is something that other contraband detection tools cannot do.

Can the Buster scan any type of suspected objects? Absolutely. You can use to scan vehicles of any shape and size, containers, container vans, furniture and walls. It can scan any items made of different materials.

The Buster K910G is now free of internal and external lead components that will enable for safer inspections.

The Buster’s versatility, safety, effectiveness, fast and accurate results make it as your most reliable density meter that you can’t do without!

Tony Harris, President and CEO, and Pat Campbell, founder, of CSECO explain about the Buster density meter and other contraband detectors.

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